Source code for majortrack.tracker

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import itertools
from functools import wraps
    from import Counter # noqa
except ImportError:
    from collections import Counter # noqa
from datetime import timedelta

from .lazylist import lazy_list
from .similarities import group_similarity_fraction, group_similarity_jaccard

from colorseq import DistinctColors
from pyalluv import AlluvialPlot, Cluster, Flux

[docs]class MajorTrack(object): r""" Parameters =========== clusterings: list, dict Sequence of clusterings. Each clustering must be present in the form of a list of membership-sets, i.e. a list of clusters with each cluster being defined by a `set` of data source associated to it (its members). **If provided as a `dict`**: keys: float, datetime The time points. values: list, dict The membership list of each clustering indicating to which cluster a data source belongs. See :obj:`~MajorTrack.clusterings` for details. history: int sets the number of time points (or slices) the algorithm can maximally go back in time to check for majority matches. \**kwargs optional parameter: timepoints: list The time points of each clustering. .. note:: If `clusterings` if of type `dict` then the keys will be used as time points and this optional parameter is ignored, even if provided. slice_widths: list, float (default=None) The temporal duration of each snapshot in the sequence of clusterings. If not provided then simply the difference between time point `i` and `i+1` is used as the width of slice `i`. The width of the last slice is assumed to be the same as the duration of the 2nd last slice. individuals: list A list of all distinct data sources present in the dataset. .. todo:: Build it from `self.clusterings`. group_matchup_method: str (default='fraction') Set the method to calculate the similarity between two clusters from different clusterings. By default the fraction of identical members is used as explained in the original article :cite:`liechti2019time`. use_lazylists: bool (default=False) Determine if :obj:`~LazyList`'s should be used to store data about dynamic clusters or normal lists. Most likely you want to use normal lists. .. bibliography:: ../references.bib Attributes ========== clusterings: list(list(set)) or LazyList Holds for each time point the configuration of the respective clustering. The clustering is given by a list of member-`set`s, with each `set` containing the data sources in a cluster. dcs: list or LazyList Ensemble of all dynamic clusters. .. todo:: What's the type of an element? Is it just an identifier? length: int Number of slices present in the dataset. cluster_trace: list or LazyList Ensemble of all tracing paths the dynamic clusters. .. todo:: What's the type of an element? group_matchup: list Holds for each time point the tracing and mapping sets of all clusters. Each element is a `dict` with the keys ``'forward'`` and ``'backward'``. Both hold a `dict` indicating for a cluster the best matching cluster along with the similarity score of the particular relation in a `tuple`. Example ------- .. code-block:: python self.group_matchup[1] = { 'backward': {0: (0, 1.0), ...}, # ^ ^ ^ # | | similarity score # | cluster from previous time point # cluster from current time point. } group_mappings: list(list) Holds for each slice a list of mapping sets. The list is ordered like :obj:`~.MajorTrack.clusterings`. Example -------- .. code-block:: python mt = MajorTrack(...) idx, cluster_id = 0, 1 # get the set of data sources in this cluster c_members = mt.clusterings[0][1] # get the corresponding mapping set (from index idx + 1) mapping_set = mt.group_mappings[0][1] group_tracings: list(list) Holds for each slice a list of tracing sets. The list is ordered like :attr:`~.MajorTrack.clusterings`. group_mappers: list(list) Holds for each slice a list of mapper sets. The list is ordered like :attr:`~.MajorTrack.clusterings`. group_tracers: list(list) Holds for each slice a list of tracer sets. The list is ordered like :attr:`~.MajorTrack.clustering`. comm_nbr: int Number of dynamic clusters present in dataset. comm_all: list(dc index what type?) List of all dynamic clusters present in the dataset. comm_group_members: list Holds for each slice a dictionary with the dynamic cluster id's as key and a list of group id's as value. .. todo:: Unsure about this. comm_members: list(dict) holding for each slice of the dataset a dictionary indicating for each cluster (`key`) a list of data sources (`values`). .. todo:: Rename to `dc_members` individuals: list holds all data sources. individual_group_membership: list(dict) holding for each slice of the dataset a dictionary indicating for a data source the cluster it belongs to. individual_membership: list(dict) holding for each slice of the dataset a dictionary indicating for a data source the dynamic cluster it belongs to. community_births: list(tuple) holding all dynamic cluster birth events. .. todo:: Check and report format of this attribute. community_deaths: list(tuple) A list holding all dynamic cluster death events. .. todo:: Check and report format of this attribute. community_lifespans: dict providing for each dynamic cluster the lifespan in the unit slices: ``{comm_id: nbr_slices}`` community_splits: list(list) holds all split events of dynamic clusters. community_cby_splits: list(list) dynamic clusters that occurred through a split. community_cby_split_merges: list(list) dynamic clusters that occurred through a split-merge event. community_dby_splits: list(list) dynamic clusters that vanished after a split event. community_dby_split_merges: list(list) dynamic clusters that vanished after a split-merge event. community_merges: list(list) holds all merge events of dynamic clusters. community_cby_merges: list(list) dynamic clusters that occurred through a merge event. community_dby_merges: list(list) dynamic clusters that vanished after a merge event. community_growths: list(list) reports all growth events, i.e. changes in the size of a dynamic cluster that are not related to split or merge events. community_shrinkages: list(list) reports all shrinkage events, i.e. decreases in the size of a dynamic cluster that are not related to split or merge events. community_autocorrs: dict(dc index, list) hold for each dynamic cluster a dictionary with the auto-correlation (`value`) between the index of a slice (`key`) and the previous slice. The autocorrelation is given by: .. math:: \frac{|dc_{i} \cap dc_{j}|}{|dc_{i} \cup dc_{j}|_{res}} where :math:`i, j` are the indices `from_dix` and `to_idx` and :math:`|<selection>|_{res}` is the number of data sources within `<selection>` counting all data sources (if `residents=False`) or only those present in both slices (`residents=True`). .. todo: Add ref to method (for details see...) """ def __init__(self, clusterings, history, **kwargs): self.dcs = None self.comm_nbr = None # related to colouring self.color_sequence = None self.comm_colours = None self.sp_community_colour_idx = None self.history = history self._use_lazy = kwargs.get('use_lazylists', False) assert isinstance(clusterings, (list, dict)) if isinstance(clusterings, list): self.timepoints = kwargs.pop( 'timepoints', list(range(len(clusterings))) ) # this is former groupings self.clusterings = clusterings # sort both clusterings and timepoints according to timepoints self.timepoints, self.clusterings = zip( *sorted( zip(self.timepoints, self.clusterings), key=lambda x: x[0] ) ) else: self.timepoints = sorted(clusterings.keys()) self.clusterings = list(clusterings[tp] for tp in self.timepoints) self.length = len(self.timepoints) # now determine the slice widths self.slice_widths = kwargs.get('slice_widths', None) if isinstance(self.slice_widths, (float, int, timedelta)): self.slice_widths = [self.slice_widths for idx in self] elif isinstance(self.slice_widths, (list, tuple)): self.slice_widths = list(self.slice_widths) else: self.slice_widths = [ self.timepoints[i] - self.timepoints[p] for p, i in self._pair_iter() ] self.slice_widths.append(self.slice_widths[-1]) # todo: set individuals via set from self.clusterings of not provided. self.individuals = kwargs.get('individuals', None) self.group_matchup_method = kwargs.get( 'group_matchup_method', 'fraction' ) self._community_iter = None self.individual_membership = None def __iter__(self): return iter(range(self.length)) def _pair_iter(self, func=None, *args, **kwargs): if func is None: def func(self, prev, item, *args, **kwargs): return prev, item _iter = iter(range(self.length)) prev = next(_iter) for item in _iter: yield func(self, prev, item, *args, **kwargs) prev = item def _as_pair_iterator(func): @wraps(func) def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): nbr_args = len(args) fargs = () if not nbr_args: if not kwargs: return self._pair_iter(func) else: idx_prev = kwargs.pop('idx_prev', None) idx_next = kwargs.pop('idx_next', None) else: idx_prev = args[0] if nbr_args > 1: idx_next = args[1] if nbr_args > 2: fargs = args[2:] else: idx_next = None if idx_prev is None: if idx_next is None: return self._pair_iter(func, *fargs, **kwargs) idx_next = None else: idx_prev = idx_next - 1 assert idx_prev >= 0 elif idx_next is None: idx_next = idx_prev + 1 assert idx_next < self.length return func(self, idx_prev, idx_next, *fargs, **kwargs) return wrapper @property def _resident_population(self,): return sorted(list( self._prev_individuals.intersection( self._next_individuals ) )) @property def _combined_population(self,): return sorted(list( self._prev_individuals.union( self._next_individuals ) ))
[docs] @_as_pair_iterator def resident_population( self, idx_prev=None, idx_next=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Return the resident population between two time points. The resident population is simply the intersect of the populations at both time points. If not arguments are provided then an iterator is returned that gets the set of resident individuals between each slice. If only one index is provided then the other one will be completed, i.e. idx_prev = idx_next - 1 or idx_next = idx_prev + 1 If further arguments are provided (all have to be unnamed), then the intersect is taken between all of these time points. Example:: self.resident_population(2,4,5) will return the resident population between the time points 2, 4 and 5 Parameters ========== idx_prev: int (default=None) index of one of the two data slices. idx_next: int (default=None) index of one of the two data slices. Returns ======= resident_population: set contains all data sources that are in both data slices. """ self._prev_individuals = self.individuals[idx_prev] self._next_individuals = self.individuals[idx_next] resident_population = set(self._resident_population) self._prev_individuals, self._next_individuals = None, None if args: for arg in args: resident_population = resident_population.intersection( self.individuals[arg] ) return resident_population
[docs] @_as_pair_iterator def combined_population( self, idx_prev=None, idx_next=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Returns combination of the populations of two (or more) time points. This is simply the union of the populations at both time points. If not arguments are provided then an iterator is returned that gets the set of combined individuals between each slice. If only one index is provided then the other one will be completed, i.e. idx_prev = idx_next - 1 or idx_next = idx_prev + 1 If further arguments are provided (all have to be unnamed), then the union is taken between all of these time points. Example ------- .. code-block:: python self.resident_population(2,4,5) This will return the combined population of the time points 2, 4 and 5. Parameters ========== idx_prev: int (default=None) index of the 1st time point to get the population from. idx_next: int (default=None) index of the 2nd time point to get the population from. .. note:: If both `idx_prev` and `idx_next` are `None` then a pairwise iterator is returned that allows to loop over the combined population of neighbouring time points. """ self._prev_individuals = self.individuals[idx_prev] self._next_individuals = self.individuals[idx_next] combined_population = set(self._combined_population) self._prev_individuals, self._next_individuals = None, None if args: for arg in args: combined_population = combined_population.union( self.individuals[arg] ) return combined_population
[docs] @_as_pair_iterator def resident_fraction(self, idx_prev=None, idx_next=None, *args): """ Get the fraction of the combined population of tow (or more) slices. This indicates the population fraction that is present at all time points (or slices). This is simply the size of the intersection divided by the size of the union of the populations If further arguments are provided (all have to be unnamed), then the resident fraction is computed between all of these time points. Parameters ========== idx_pres: int (default=None) index of a slice. .. note:: If no index is provided then an iterator is returned that yields the resident fraction of the data sources present in neighbouring time points. idx_next: int (default=None) index of a slice. Returns ======= resident_fraction: float, iterator indicating the fraction of the population of data sources (union of all) that is present in all slices. If no values for the parameters `idx_prev` and `idx_next` are provided this method returns an iterator that will yield the fraction of the resident population between any two consecutive slices. """ self._prev_individuals = self.individuals[idx_prev] self._next_individuals = self.individuals[idx_next] resident_population = set(self._resident_population) combined_population = set(self._combined_population) self._prev_individuals, self._next_individuals = None, None if args: for arg in args: resident_population = resident_population.intersection( self.individuals[arg] ) combined_population = combined_population.union( self.individuals[arg] ) return len(resident_population) / float(len(combined_population))
def _set_dcs(self,): """ Reset the list (or :ref:`~LazyList`) of dynamic clusters (`self.dcs`), as well as the list (or :ref:`~LazyList`) of all tracing paths for a cluster (self.cluster_trace) .. todo:: Is this description of cluster_trace accurate? """ if self._use_lazy: self.dcs = lazy_list( lazy_name='dcs' ) self.cluster_trace = lazy_list( lazy_name='cluster_trace' ) else: self.dcs = [] self.cluster_trace = [] self._community_iter = itertools.count( start=0, step=1 ) def _reset_container(self, container): """ """ s_container = self.__dict__.get(container, None) if s_container is not None: if isinstance(s_container, lazy_list): s_container = lazy_list( lazy_name=container ) else: s_container = [] def _grouping_similarity( self, method, mode='forward', use_union=False, **kwargs): """ Get the similarity between clusters from current clusterings. The current clusterings are determined by `self._prev_grouping` and `self._next_grouping` using the specified method. Parameters ========== method: str determines the method upon which the similarity quantity is based. mode: str (default='forward') indicate the temporal direction of for the asymmetric similarity measure. .. todo:: Specify what `'forward'` means for the denominator. use_union: bool (default=True) If `use_union==True` then if mode is 'forward' for each group of the previous grouping the groups from the next grouping are compared to the union of the previous group with all groups from the next grouping including members from the previous group. If mode is 'backward' then the same applies with inverted roles for prev and next. Returns ======= similarities: dict(dict) for all clusters from the starting clustering (`key`) a dictionary (`value`) providing for all clusters from the ending clustering (inner `key`) as similarity value (inner `value`) """ # filter for resident population only _residents = self._resident_population _prev_grouping_res = [ { _id for _id in _group if _id in _residents } for _group in self._prev_grouping ] _next_grouping_res = [ { _id for _id in _group if _id in _residents } for _group in self._next_grouping ] # set the correct order if mode == 'backward': from_grouping_all = self._next_grouping from_grouping = _next_grouping_res from_grouping_idx = range(len(self._next_grouping)) to_grouping_all = self._prev_grouping to_grouping = _prev_grouping_res to_grouping_idx = range(len(self._prev_grouping)) else: from_grouping_all = self._prev_grouping from_grouping = _prev_grouping_res from_grouping_idx = range(len(self._prev_grouping)) to_grouping_all = self._next_grouping to_grouping = _next_grouping_res to_grouping_idx = range(len(self._next_grouping)) # now compare the clusterings # initialize the similarities similarities = { i: { j: None for j in range(len(to_grouping_all)) } for i in range(len(from_grouping_all)) } if method.lower() == 'fraction': for i in from_grouping_idx: similarities[i] = {} from_group = from_grouping[i] # calculate similarity between both reference groups/unions for j in to_grouping_idx: to_group = to_grouping[j] similarities[i][j] = group_similarity_fraction( to_group, from_group, ) elif method.lower() == 'jaccard': # TODO: Something is wrong here! for i in from_grouping_idx: similarities[i] = {} from_group = from_grouping[i] # no unions just 1-by-1 if not use_union: from_reference = from_group # union of the to groups else: _from_union = set(from_group) for j in to_grouping_idx: # this is the index of the group: _to_group = to_grouping[j] if _from_union.intersection(_to_group): _from_union = _from_union.union(_to_group) from_reference = _from_union # calculate similarity between both reference groups/unions for j in to_grouping_idx: to_group = to_grouping[j] similarities[i][j] = group_similarity_jaccard( from_group, to_group, len(from_reference) ) else: # TODO: Implement mutual information (and others?) pass return similarities @_as_pair_iterator def _get_group_similarities( self, idx_prev=None, idx_next=None, **kwargs ): r""" A return similarities between the clusterings of two time points. Approach: 1. Forward mapping: For each group from the previous time point, get the most similar group from the next time point. If there is no group in the next time point similar to a previous group, the group gets None associated. 2. Backward tracing: For each group of the next time point get the most similar group from the previous time point. 3. Match-up: - Both mapping and tracing agree: Match the groups - Tracing suggests a previous group that has a different group as mapping: Probation mapping from next to previous group. Probation mapping: - If prev group gets no mapping to next group, the probation mapping is considered valid. - A probation mapping leads to a new group unless in any next time step this group merges with the most mapping (descendant) group of the previous group. - Only the last probation mapping is kept and considered when merging. Parameters ========== idx_prev: int (default=None) the previous (earlier) time stamp (slice). idx_next: int (default=None) the next (later) time stamp (slice) \**kwargs optional parameter: timepoints: list method: str (default='fraction') Set the method to calculate the similarity between two groups from different clusterings. Default option is the fraction of data sources min_overlap: int (default=1) sets the minimal number of data sources that two clusters need to share for them to be matched up (if the similarity is maximal). single_next: bool (default=False) If set to True then similarity is compared 1-by-1 between a group from the previous time stamp and any groups from the next time stamp for step 1. If set to False (default) then the similarity is compared between groups from the next time stamp and the union of the previous group and all groups from the next time stamp containing a member from the previous group. single_prev: bool (default=False) If set to True then similarity is compared 1-by-1 between a group from the next time stamp and any groups from the previous time stamp. If set to False (default) then the similarity is compared between groups from the previous time stamp and the union of the next group and all groups from the previous time stamp containing a member from the previous group. Returns ======= similarities: dict(str, dict) holding two keys (`'forward'` and `'backward'`) with each holding a dictionary with the best matches between clusters (inner `key`: `'matchup'`) and the similarities (inner `key`: `'similarities'` ) """ method = kwargs.get('method', 'fraction') min_overlap = kwargs.get('min_overlap', 1) _union_next = not kwargs.get('single_next', False) _union_prev = not kwargs.get('single_prev', False) self._prev_grouping = self.clusterings[idx_prev] self._next_grouping = self.clusterings[idx_next] # todo: this is still from the TimeSeriesData # else: # self._prev_graph = self.graphs[idx_prev] # self._next_graph = self.graphs[idx_next] # self._prev_grouping = self._get_grouping(self._prev_graph) # self._next_grouping = self._get_grouping(self._next_graph) self._prev_individuals = self.individuals[idx_prev] self._next_individuals = self.individuals[idx_next] # Step 1: Forward mapping fw_similarities = self._grouping_similarity( method=method, mode='forward', use_union=_union_next ) # Step 2: Backward tracing bw_similarities = self._grouping_similarity( method=method, mode='backward', use_union=_union_prev ) # - Get most similar group mapping fw_matchup = self._matchup( fw_similarities, self._prev_grouping, self._next_grouping, min_overlap=min_overlap ) # - Get most similar group tracing bw_matchup = self._matchup( bw_similarities, self._next_grouping, self._prev_grouping, min_overlap=min_overlap ) self._prev_graph, self._next_graph = None, None self._prev_grouping, self._next_grouping = None, None self._prev_individuals, self._next_individuals = None, None return { 'forward': { 'matchup': fw_matchup, 'similarities': fw_similarities }, 'backward': { 'matchup': bw_matchup, 'similarities': bw_similarities } } @staticmethod def _matchup(similarities, from_grouping, to_grouping, min_overlap): """ Find the best match for all clusters between snapshots. This matches all clusters from `from_grouping` with clusters form `to_grouping`. If no match is found or the overlap in number of data sources is smaller than `min_overlap`, the match is set to None Parameters ========== similarities: .. todo:: Description from_grouping: .. todo:: Description to_grouping: .. todo:: Description min_overlap: Set `min_overlap=0` to ignore the minimal overlap size. .. todo:: Description Returns ======= matchup: dict .. todo:: Description """ matchup = {} for i in range(len(from_grouping)): max_sim = max( similarities[i].items(), key=lambda x: x[1] if x[1] is not None else 0 ) matchup[i] = ([max_sim[0]], max_sim[1]) # assert the minimal overlap if min_overlap: ok_matchups = [] for mg in matchup[i][0]: if len( from_grouping[i].intersection( to_grouping[mg] ) ) >= min_overlap: ok_matchups.append(mg) matchup[i] = ( ok_matchups, matchup[i][1] if ok_matchups else None ) # without min_overlap, just assert that max similarity > 0 else: if matchup[i][1] == 0.0: matchup[i] = ([], None) # check how many groups from the next timestep have the same value _sim_counts = { sim: count for sim, count in Counter( similarities[i].values() ).items() } # there is more than 1 from next with a maximal similarity if matchup[i][0] and _sim_counts[matchup[i][1]] > 1: _other_next_groups = [ _gid for _gid, _sim in similarities[i].items() if _sim == matchup[i][1] and _gid not in matchup[i][0] ] # make the match-up a list of ids if there are several. if _other_next_groups: matchup[i][0].extend(_other_next_groups) return matchup
[docs] def get_group_matchup(self, matchup_method=None): r""" Determine majority relation between neighbouring snapshots. Parameters =========== matchup_method: str (default=None) If provided this overwrites :attr:`~majortrack.MajorTrack.group_matchup_method`. It determines the method to use when calculating similarities between clusters from neighbouring snapshots. Returns ======= self: :class:`.MajorTrack` with new attribute :obj:`~.MajorTrack.group_matchup`. """ if matchup_method is None: matchup_method = self.group_matchup_method # if self.group_matchup: self.group_matchup = [] # if self.group_similarities: self.group_similarities = [] self.group_matchup.append( { 'backward': { _group_id: (None, None) for _group_id in range(len(self.clusterings[0])) } } ) self.group_similarities.append( { 'backward': { _group_id: None for _group_id in range(len(self.clusterings[0])) } } ) for _idx in range(self.length - 1): _group_similarities = self._get_group_similarities( _idx, _idx + 1, method=matchup_method ) # set forward matchup/similarities for current step self.group_matchup[-1][ 'forward' ] = _group_similarities['forward']['matchup'] self.group_similarities[-1][ 'forward' ] = _group_similarities['forward']['similarities'] # create backward matchup/similarities for next step self.group_matchup.append( {'backward': _group_similarities[ 'backward' ]['matchup']} ) self.group_similarities.append( {'backward': _group_similarities[ 'backward' ]['similarities']} ) # complete forward matchup/similarites with None's self.group_matchup[-1]['forward'] = { _group_id: (None, None) for _group_id in range(len(self.clusterings[-1])) } self.group_similarities[-1]['forward'] = { _group_id: None for _group_id in range(len(self.clusterings[-1])) }
# todo: method unused...
[docs] def get_span(self, idx, span_set, get_indivs=True): r""" Create the tracer tree. Parameters =========== idx: int index of the slice in which to start. span_set: int, str If an `int` is provided it specifies the index of the target cluster. If a `str` is given, it is considered as the label of a data source and the containing cluster is selected. .. todo:: The label of a cluster should be the only option. get_indivs: bool (default=True) If set to `True` a list of sets of individual is returned for each slice starting from the index. If it is set to `False` a list of cluster labels is returned for each slice. """ span_tree = {} if isinstance(span_set, int): span_tree[idx] = [self.clusterings[idx][span_set]] elif isinstance(span_set, str): span_tree[idx] = filter( lambda g: span_set in g, self.clusterings[idx] ) else: span_tree[idx] = [span_set] current_set = set.union(*span_tree[idx]) for _idx in range(idx + 1, self.length): next_groupings = self.clusterings[_idx] next_contained = [*filter( lambda grp: any([memb in current_set for memb in grp]), next_groupings )] if next_contained: span_tree[_idx] = next_contained current_set = set.union(*next_contained) else: break if get_indivs: return span_tree else: span_tree_idxs = {} for _idx in span_tree: _span_set = set.union(*span_tree[_idx]) span_tree_idxs[_idx] = [ i for i in range(len(self.clusterings[_idx])) if any([ el in _span_set for el in self.clusterings[_idx][i] ]) ] return span_tree_idxs
[docs] def get_dcs(self, bijective_paths=True, **kwargs): r""" Derives from the history of dynamic clusters from :attr:`~.MajorTrack.group_matchup`. .. todo:: Rename to `get_dc` Parameters =========== bijective_paths: bool (default=True) If set to `True` then at each step in the construction of the tracing flow a mapping flow needs to map forward to the target cluster in order to continue to extend the tracing flow. \**kwargs optional parameter: from_idx: int starting index. .. note:: At the starting index all clusters are per definition new dynamic clusters. to_idx: int Stopping index. The community detection algorithm will stop at this index (including it). """ if self.dcs is None: self._set_dcs() else: self._reset_container('dcs') self._reset_container('cluster_trace') # Get the tracing/mapping tracer/mapper set self._get_tracings() self._get_mappings() self._get_mappers() self._get_tracers() if bijective_paths: def validate_path(*args): return self._from_flow(*args) else: def validate_path(*args): return True from_idx = kwargs.get('from_idx', 0) to_idx = kwargs.get('to_idx', self.length - 1) # TODO: from_idx must be 0 as otherwise the method might fail by # accessing an index < from_ids in self.dcs # populate communities with empty lists up to the starting point for _idx in range(from_idx): self.dcs.append([]) self.cluster_trace.append([]) for idx in range(from_idx, to_idx + 1): self.dcs.append([]) self.cluster_trace.append([]) for group_id in range(len(self.clusterings[idx])): s_c = None tracing_flow = self.get_flow( idx, {group_id}, validate_path=validate_path ) go_back = len(tracing_flow) - 1 fwd_flow = [] while go_back >= 1: # get the potential source set pot_source = tracing_flow[go_back] # check if pot_source set has single community identity if len(set( ( self.dcs[idx-go_back][psg] for psg in pot_source ) )) == 1: pot_mapping_flow = self.get_flow( idx-go_back, pot_source, False, go_back, validate_path=validate_path ) if len(pot_mapping_flow) == go_back + 1: if pot_mapping_flow[-1] == {group_id}: s_c = self.dcs[idx-go_back][next( iter(pot_source) )] fwd_flow = pot_mapping_flow break go_back -= 1 if s_c is None: s_c = next(self._community_iter) self.dcs[idx].append(s_c) self.cluster_trace[idx].append(0) # combine tracing_flow and forward flow > included_flow # relabel the included_flow included_flow = self._create_flow( [tracing_flow[:len(fwd_flow)], fwd_flow[::-1]] ) if included_flow: self._relabel_included_flow( idx, s_c, included_flow ) # # now the marginal dcs still need to be relabeled marginal_flows = self.get_marginal_flows(idx, included_flow) self._relabel_marginal_flows(s_c, idx, marginal_flows)
def _relabel_included_flow(self, idx, source_community, included_flow): r""" Associate a new dynamic cluster label to set of clusters in a slice. Parameters ----------- idx: int index of the slice in which to relabel a dynamic cluster. source_community: str label of the dynamic cluster to use as new label. included_flow: list Ensemble of clusters from this slice to relabel. """ incl_tree_length = len(included_flow) if incl_tree_length > 2: for step_back, inc_groups in enumerate(included_flow): if 0 < step_back < incl_tree_length - 1: for inc_grp in inc_groups: if self.dcs[ idx - step_back][ inc_grp] != source_community: self.dcs[ idx - step_back ][inc_grp] = source_community self.cluster_trace[idx - step_back][inc_grp] = 1 # TODO: should we also use non-bijective paths? # as `validate_path` is not provided here and thus defaults to # self._from_flow (so bijective)
[docs] def get_marginal_flows(self, idx, included_flows): r""" Determines the ensemble of marginal clusters given a target cluster and its identity flow. Parameters ----------- idx: int index of the slice in which target cluster is situated. included_flows: list Identity flow of the target cluster. """ flow_l = len(included_flows) if flow_l: source_set = included_flows[-1] target_set = included_flows[0] source_flow = self.get_flow( idx-flow_l+1, source_set, False, flow_l-1, majority=False, ) sl = len(source_flow) source_flow += [set() for _ in range(flow_l-sl)] target_flow = self.get_flow( idx, target_set, True, flow_l-1, majority=False, ) tl = len(target_flow) target_flow += [set() for _ in range(flow_l-tl)] return [ set.intersection( source_flow[::-1][i], target_flow[i] ).difference(included_flows[i]) for i in range(flow_l) ] else: return []
# # Using step-wise tracers/mappers (old way) # marg_sources = list(included_flows) # marg_sinks = list(included_flows) # # get all potential sources, i.e. included_flows and all tracers # for _s in range(flow_l - 1): # # set all marginal source # c_source = marg_sources[flow_l - _s - 1] # _idx = idx - flow_l + 1 + _s # for csg in c_source: # marg_sources[flow_l-_s-2] = marg_sources[flow_l-_s-2].union( # set(self.group_tracers[_idx][csg]) # ) # c_sink = marg_sinks[_s] # _idx = idx - _s # for csg in c_sink: # marg_sinks[_s+1] = marg_sinks[_s+1].union( # set(self.group_mappers[_idx][csg]) # ) # # only keep groups that are both in marg_sources and marg_sinks but # # not in the included flow # return [set.intersection( # marg_sources[i], marg_sinks[i]).difference(included_flows[i]) # for i in range(flow_l) # ] def _relabel_marginal_flows(self, source_community, idx, flows): r""" Associate all clusters in a marginal flow to a dynamic cluster. Parameters ----------- source_community: str Label of the dynamic cluster :ref:`flows` to the dynamic cluster idx: int index of the slice in which target cluster is situated. """ for _i, marg_set in enumerate(flows): for mg in marg_set: self.dcs[idx-_i][mg] = source_community self.cluster_trace[idx-_i][mg] = -1 def _from_flow(self, idx, source_set, flow, bwd=True): r""" Check if the source set stems form the provided tracing flow. Parameters ----------- idx: int index of the slice in which the flow starts. source_set: set Set of clusters to test whether it is included in the flow or not. .. todo:: Clarify the type of each element. Are they simply cluster labels or membership lists? How do we know at which index `source_set` is situated? Simply ``idx - len(flow)``? flow: list(set) Flow (either a tracing or a mapping flow) starting with the target cluster. bwd: bool (default=True) Indicating the temporal direction of the flow. If `bwd=True` the direction is `backwards` in time and the flow thus corresponds to the tracing flow. If set to `False` the flow is considered as a mapping flow. Returns ------- is_from_flow: bool indicate whether a source set stemps from the provided flow or not. """ reach = len(flow) if bwd: _get_next = self._get_tracing_sets ts_lim = 0 _dir = -1 else: _get_next = self._get_mapping_sets ts_lim = self.length _dir = 1 step = 0 _idx = idx + _dir * step next_set = source_set while step < reach and _dir * (ts_lim - _idx) > 0: next_set = _get_next(_idx, next_set) if next_set and next_set.issubset(flow[-1 - step]): return True step += 1 _idx = idx + _dir * step return False
[docs] def get_flow(self, idx, source_set, bwd=True, max_dist=None, **kwargs): r""" Parameters ---------- idx: int time series index defining the starting point source_set: set set of clusters at the starting point slice. bwd: bool (default=True) indicating the direction, `True` is backward, `False` forward. max_dist: int (default=None) set the maximal length of the flow. \**kwargs optional parameter: majority: bool (default=True) allows to specify if of only the majority should be used to move between time-points. validate_path: function (default=:meth:`~.MajorTrack._from_flow` Provide a validation method to use during the construction of a flow. Returns ------- flow: list identity flow starting (including) from the source set. """ _maj = kwargs.get('majority', True) validate_path = kwargs.get('validate_path', self._from_flow) if bwd: if _maj: _get_next = self._get_tracing_sets else: _get_next = self._get_mappers_sets ts_lim = 0 _dir = -1 else: if _maj: _get_next = self._get_mapping_sets else: _get_next = self._get_tracers_sets ts_lim = self.length _dir = 1 if max_dist is None: max_dist = self.history step = 0 _idx = idx + _dir * step _new_set = source_set flow = [source_set] while step < max_dist and _dir * (ts_lim - _idx) > 0: # get for each group the next set _new_set = _get_next(_idx, _new_set) # only keep sets that stem from flow if _new_set and validate_path(_idx+_dir, _new_set, flow, not bwd): flow.append(_new_set) step += 1 _idx = idx + _dir * step else: break return flow
def _get_mapping_sets(self, idx, source_set): r""" Get the mapping set of the provided source set. .. todo:: This is more an itemgetter of :attr:`~.MajorTrack.group_mappings`. Actually not really. Parameters ----------- idx: int time series index defining the starting point source_set: set set of clusters at the starting point slice. Returns ------- mapping_set: set the mapping set of the provided source set. """ if source_set: return set.union( *[set(self.group_mappings[idx][sg]) for sg in source_set] ) else: return set() def _get_tracing_sets(self, idx, source_set): r""" Get the tracing set of the provided source set. Parameters ----------- idx: int time series index defining the starting point source_set: set set of clusters at the starting point slice. Returns ------- tracing_set: set the tracing set of the provided source set. """ return set.union( *[set(self.group_tracings[idx][sg]) for sg in source_set] ) def _get_mappers_sets(self, idx, source_set): r""" idx: int time series index defining the starting point Parameters ----------- idx: int time series index defining the starting point source_set: set set of clusters at the starting point slice. Returns ------- mapper_set: set the mapper set of the provided source set. """ return set.union( *[set(self.group_mappers[idx][sg]) for sg in source_set] ) def _get_tracers_sets(self, idx, source_set): r""" Parameters ----------- idx: int time series index defining the starting point source_set: set set of clusters at the starting point slice. Returns ------- tracer_set: set the tracer set of the provided source set. """ return set.union( *[set(self.group_tracers[idx][sg]) for sg in source_set] ) def _get_tracings(self,): r""" Compute the tracing sets for all clusters in the sequence of slices. Returns -------- None: NoneType Set new attribute :ref:`group_tracings`. """ self.group_tracings = [] for idx in range(self.length): if idx: _current_bw_matchup = self.group_matchup[idx]['backward'] self.group_tracings.append( [ _current_bw_matchup[_group][0] for _group in range(len(self.clusterings[idx])) ] ) else: self.group_tracings.append( [[] for _group in range(len(self.clusterings[idx]))] ) def _get_mappings(self,): r""" Compute the mapping sets for all clusters in the sequence of slices. Returns -------- None: NoneType Set new attribute :ref:`group_tracings`. """ self.group_mappings = [] for idx in range(self.length - 1): _current_fw_matchup = self.group_matchup[idx]['forward'] self.group_mappings.append( [ _current_fw_matchup[_group][0] for _group in range(len(self.clusterings[idx])) ] ) self.group_mappings.append( [[] for _group in range(len(self.clusterings[-1]))] ) def _get_mappers(self,): r""" Compute the mapper sets for all clusters in the sequence of slices. Returns -------- None: NoneType Set new attribute :ref:`group_mappers`. """ self.group_mappers = [ [[] for _group in range(len(self.clusterings[0]))] ] for idx in range(1, self.length): self.group_mappers.append( [[] for _group in range(len(self.clusterings[idx]))] ) for prev_grp in range(len(self.group_mappings[idx - 1])): for mapps in self.group_mappings[idx - 1][prev_grp]: self.group_mappers[idx][mapps].append(prev_grp) def _get_tracers(self,): r""" Compute the tracer sets for all clusters in the sequence of slices. Returns -------- None: NoneType Set new attribute :ref:`group_tracers`. """ self.group_tracers = [] for idx in range(self.length - 1): self.group_tracers.append( [[] for _group in range(len(self.clusterings[idx]))] ) for next_grp in range(len(self.group_tracings[idx + 1])): for tracing in self.group_tracings[idx + 1][next_grp]: self.group_tracers[idx][tracing].append(next_grp) self.group_tracers.append([ [[] for _group in range(len(self.clusterings[-1]))] ]) def _create_flow(self, paths, contained=True): """ Combine arbitrary many paths to a flow. Example -------- .. code-block:: [[{1}, {2}, {1}], [{0}, {1}, {1}]] > [{0, 1}, {1, 2}, {1}] Parameters ----------- paths: list(list) List of individual paths to combine to a flow. contained: bool (default=True) If a single path contains a None at a specific point, then the flow is cut at this point. If contained is set do False the flow continues until the longest path. Returns -------- flow: list The flow resulting from the list of paths provided. """ if contained: flow = [ grps for grps in map( lambda x: set.union(*[*map(set, x)]), zip(*paths) ) if None not in grps ] else: flow = [ grps for grps in map( lambda x: set.union(*[*map(set, x)]), zip(*paths) ) ] for el in flow: if None in el: el.remove(None) return flow
[docs] def get_community_group_membership(self,): """ Defines per timepoint a list of clusters belonging to a dynamic cluster Returns ======= None: None Adds new attributes: - :attr:`~.MajorTrack.comm_group_members` - :attr:`~.MajorTrack.comm_all` - :attr:`~.MajorTrack.comm_nbr` """ _all_comms = [] for idx in range(self.length): _all_comms.extend( [com for com in self.dcs[idx]] ) self.comm_all = sorted(set(_all_comms)) self.comm_nbr = len(self.comm_all) # get community members self.comm_group_members = [] for idx in range(self.length): current_comms = {} for group_id in range(len(self.clusterings[idx])): try: current_comms[self.dcs[idx][group_id]].append( group_id ) except KeyError: current_comms[self.dcs[idx][group_id]] = [group_id] self.comm_group_members.append( current_comms )
[docs] def get_community_membership(self,): """ Defines for each time point a membership list of data sources for each existing dynamic cluster. Returns ======= None: None Adds new attributes: - :attr:`~.MajorTrack.comm_members` """ self.comm_members = [] for idx in range(self.length): # todo: switch to defaultdict to avoid managing the exception current_comms = {} for group_id in range(len(self.clusterings[idx])): try: current_comms[self.dcs[idx][group_id]].extend( self.clusterings[idx][group_id] ) except KeyError: current_comms[ self.dcs[idx][group_id] ] = list(self.clusterings[idx][group_id]) self.comm_members.append( current_comms )
[docs] def get_individual_group_membership(self,): """ Defines for each time point a dict holding for each data source its cluster membership. Returns ======= None: None Adds new attributes: - :attr:`~.MajorTrack.individual_group_membership` """ self.individual_group_membership = [] for idx in range(self.length): self.individual_group_membership.append( { indiv: grp_id for grp_id, members in enumerate( self.clusterings[idx] ) for indiv in members } )
[docs] def get_individual_membership(self,): """ Defines for each time point a dict holding for each data source its dynamic cluster membership. Returns ======= None: None Adds new attributes: - :attr:`~.MajorTrack.individual_membership` """ self.individual_membership = [] for idx in range(self.length): self.individual_membership.append( { indiv: comm_id for comm_id, members in self.comm_members[idx].items() for indiv in members } )
[docs] def get_community_births(self): """ Determines all birth events. Returns ======= None: None Adds new attributes: - :attr:`~.MajorTrack.community_births` """ self.community_births = [] _births = [] # consider all clusters at t0 as new births for com in set(self.dcs[0]): _births.append(([], [com])) self.community_births.append(_births) # check if there exist clusters with exclusively new members for i in range(1, self.length): _births = [] res_pop = self.resident_population(i-1, i) for comm in self.comm_members[i]: if not any( [memb in res_pop for memb in self.comm_members[i][comm]] ): _births.append( ([], [comm]) ) self.community_births.append(_births) return None
[docs] def get_community_deaths(self,): """ Determines all dynamic community death events. Returns ======= None: None Adds new attributes: - :attr:`~.MajorTrack.community_deaths` """ # at t0 there can be no deaths self.community_deaths = [[]] for i in range(1, self.length): _deaths = [] res_pop = self.resident_population(i-1, i) for comm in self.comm_members[i-1]: # if there are no members in the next time step still present if not any( [memb in res_pop for memb in self.comm_members[i-1][comm]] ): _deaths.append( ([comm], []) ) self.community_deaths.append(_deaths) return None
[docs] def get_community_lifespans(self,): """ Determines the lifespans of all dynamic clusters. Returns ======= None: None Adds new attributes: - :attr:`~.MajorTrack.community_lifespans` """ _life_spans = { c: 0 for c in self.comm_all } for idx in range(self.length): for comm in set(self.dcs[idx]): _life_spans[comm] += 1 self.community_lifespans = _life_spans return None
[docs] def get_community_avg_lifespan(self, mode='ensemble'): """ Determines the lifespans of all dynamic clusters. Parameters =========== mode: str (default='ensemble') Determines what type of average should be computed. Possible are either `ensemble` (default) or 'weighted_per_indiv_per_slice'. The `ensemble` average simply consists of the arithmetic mean of all lifespans. The `weighted_per_indiv_per_slice` yields the average value of the life span of a dynamic cluster a randomly picked data source belongs to during at randomly picked slice. Returns ======= avg_dc_lifespan: float the average number of slices a dynamic cluster exists. """ self.get_community_lifespans() if mode == 'weighted_per_indiv_per_slice': # hold sum over size over slice _tot_counts = {c: 0 for c in self.comm_all} for idx in range(self.length): c_comms = set(self.dcs[idx]) for c_com in c_comms: # how many individuals are in currently c_size = len(self.comm_members[idx][c_com]) _tot_counts[c_com] += c_size _grand_total = float(sum(_tot_counts.values())) _c_weight = {c: _tot_counts[c]/_grand_total for c in self.comm_all} return sum([ _c_weight[c]*cls for c, cls in self.community_lifespans.items() ]) else: return sum( self.community_lifespans.values() ) / float(self.comm_nbr)
[docs] def get_community_splits(self,): """ Get all split events and determine what clusters arise through a pure split event, i.e. not a split-merge combination. Returns ======= None: None Adds new attributes: - :attr:`~.MajorTrack.community_splits` - :attr:`~.MajorTrack.community_cby_splits` - :attr:`~.MajorTrack.community_cby_split_merges` - :attr:`~.MajorTrack.community_dby_splits` - :attr:`~.MajorTrack.community_dby_split_merges` """ # no splits possible at the first time step self.community_splits = [[]] self.community_cby_splits = [[]] self.community_cby_split_merges = [[]] self.community_dby_splits = [[]] self.community_dby_split_merges = [[]] for i in range(1, self.length): _splits = [] _new_cby_split = [] _destroyed_by_split = [] _new_cby_split_merge = [] _destroyed_by_split_merge = [] comms = [*self.comm_members[i-1].keys()] res_pop = self.resident_population(i-1, i) for comm, membs in self.comm_members[i-1].items(): next_comms = set( self.individual_membership[i].get(memb, None) for memb in membs ) if None in next_comms: next_comms.remove(None) # if we find the members of `comm` at `i-1` in more than 1 # community at `i`, we have a split. if len(next_comms) > 1: _splits.append( ([comm], list(next_comms)) ) other_next_comms = [nc for nc in next_comms if nc != comm] if other_next_comms: # check if any of the communities at `i` is new new_next_comms = [ onc for onc in other_next_comms if onc not in comms ] # check if only members from the `comm` are in the new # community/ies for nnc in new_next_comms: new_mc_res = [ nmc for nmc in self.comm_members[i][nnc] if nmc in res_pop ] if all([nmcr in membs for nmcr in new_mc_res]): # new community through split from old community _new_cby_split.append( ([comm], [nnc]) ) else: # the new community/ies at `i` also contain # resident elements that did not belong to `comm` # at `i-1`, thus communities from `i-1` have merged # into the new community/ies. orig_comms = set( self.individual_membership[i-1].get(nmcr) for nmcr in new_mc_res ) _new_cby_split_merge.append( (list(orig_comms), [nnc]) ) # check if comm was destroyed if comm not in next_comms: # do all members of the new community come from `comm`? next_membs = [ memb for nc in next_comms for memb in self.comm_members[i][nc] if memb in res_pop ] if all([nm in membs for nm in next_membs]): # all come from `comm` > split destruction _destroyed_by_split.append( ([comm], []) ) else: # also a merge > split-merge destruction _destroyed_by_split_merge.append( ([comm], []) ) self.community_cby_splits.append(_new_cby_split) self.community_dby_splits.append(_destroyed_by_split) self.community_cby_split_merges.append(_new_cby_split_merge) self.community_dby_split_merges.append(_destroyed_by_split_merge) self.community_splits.append(_splits)
[docs] def get_community_merges(self,): """ Get merge events and determine the DC's born through merge events. A merge event occurs whenever members of two distinct DC at some time point are found together in the same DC one time point later. Returns ======= None: None Adds new attributes: - :attr:`~.MajorTrack.community_merges` - :attr:`~.MajorTrack.community_cby_merges` - :attr:`~.MajorTrack.community_dby_merges` """ # no merges possible at the first time step self.community_merges = [[]] self.community_cby_merges = [[]] self.community_dby_merges = [[]] for i in range(1, self.length): _merges = [] _newDC_by_merge = [] _destroyedDC_by_merge = [] res_pop = self.resident_population(i-1, i) for comm, membs in self.comm_members[i].items(): prev_comms = set( [ self.individual_membership[i-1].get(memb, None) for memb in membs ] ) if None in prev_comms: prev_comms.remove(None) if len(prev_comms) > 1: _merges.append( (list(prev_comms), [comm]) ) # check if comm is new if comm not in prev_comms: # comm is new, check if pure merge or split-merge prev_membs = [ pm for prev_comm in prev_comms for pm in self.comm_members[i-1][prev_comm] if pm in res_pop ] if all([pm in membs for pm in prev_membs]): # all members from the merging groups are now here # so this is a pure merge _newDC_by_merge.append( (list(prev_comms), [comm]) ) dest_prev_comms = [ pc for pc in prev_comms if pc not in set(self.dcs[i]) ] for dpc in dest_prev_comms: prev_membs = [ pm for pm in self.comm_members[i-1][dpc] if pm in res_pop ] if all([pm in membs for pm in prev_membs]): # prev comm does not exist anymore and remaining membs # are all in comm > merge without split _destroyedDC_by_merge.append( ([dpc], []) ) self.community_cby_merges.append(_newDC_by_merge) self.community_dby_merges.append(_destroyedDC_by_merge) self.community_merges.append(_merges)
[docs] def get_community_growths(self,): """ Returns ======= None: None Adds new attributes: - :attr:`~.MajorTrack.community_growths` """ # birth events are not growth events self.community_growths = [[]] for i in range(1, self.length): _growths = [] res_pop = self.resident_population(i-1, i) for comm, membs in self.comm_members[i].items(): # make sure it's not another event (birth, split, merge) if comm in set(self.dcs[i-1]): new_membs = [memb for memb in membs if memb not in res_pop] if len(new_membs): _growths.append((comm, len(new_membs))) self.community_growths.append(_growths)
[docs] def get_community_shrinkages(self,): """ Returns ======= None: None Adds new attributes: - :attr:`~.MajorTrack.community_shrinkages` """ # birth events are not growth events self.community_shrinkages = [[]] for i in range(1, self.length): _shrinkages = [] res_pop = self.resident_population(i-1, i) for comm, membs in self.comm_members[i-1].items(): # make sure it's not another event (death, split, merge) if comm in set(self.dcs[i]): gone_membs = [mb for mb in membs if mb not in res_pop] if len(gone_membs): _shrinkages.append((comm, len(gone_membs))) self.community_shrinkages.append(_shrinkages)
[docs] def get_community_events(self,): """ Compute all dynamic community life-cycle related events. """ self.get_community_births() self.get_community_deaths() self.get_community_splits() self.get_community_merges() self.get_community_growths() self.get_community_shrinkages()
def _get_auto_correlation( self, community_id, from_idx, to_idx, residents=True ): r""" Get the auto-correlation of members in a dc between two time points. The auto-correlation is computed for `community_id` between the time points `from_idx` and `to_idx`. If the community is not present a both time points None is returned. Parameters ========== community_id: int is the identifier of the dynamic cluster. .. todo:: Verify the type from_idx: int first index of the pairs of slices to compute the auto-correlation for. to_idx: int second index of the pairs of slices to compute the auto-correlation for. residents: bool (default=True) determines if only resident data sources (i.e. that are present in both slices) should be considered, or also data sources present in only one of the two slices. Returns ======= auto_correlation: float the autocorrelation given by: .. math:: \frac{|dc_{i} \cap dc_{j}|}{|dc_{i} \cup dc_{j}|_{res}} where :math:`i, j` are the indices `from_dix` and `to_idx` and :math:`|<selection>|_{res}` is the number of data sources within `<selection>` counting all data sources (if `residents=False`) or only those present in both slices (`residents=True`). """ res_pop = self.resident_population(from_idx, to_idx) if community_id in set(self.dcs[from_idx]) and \ community_id in set(self.dcs[to_idx]): from_comm_membs = self.comm_members[from_idx][community_id] to_comm_membs = self.comm_members[to_idx][community_id] if residents: from_comm_membs = [ memb for memb in from_comm_membs if memb in res_pop ] to_comm_membs = [ memb for memb in to_comm_membs if memb in res_pop ] return len( [ fm for fm in from_comm_membs if fm in to_comm_membs ] ) / float(len(set(from_comm_membs + to_comm_membs))) else: return None
[docs] def get_auto_corrs(self, residents=True): """ Get the auto-correlation between any two consecutive slices. This method computes for all dynamic clusters the auto-correlation between any two consecutive slices, if the dynamic community exists in both. If residents==True, then only the individuals present in both time points are considered. Parameters ========== residents: bool (default=True) determines if only resident data sources (i.e. that are present in both slices) should be considered, or also data sources present in only one of the two slices. Returns ======= None: None Adds new attributes: - :attr:`~.MajorTrack.community_autocorrs` """ self.community_autocorrs = {} for idx in range(1, self.length): for comm_id in set(self.dcs[idx]): auto_corr = self._get_auto_correlation( comm_id, idx - 1, idx, residents ) if auto_corr is not None: # todo: use defaultdict to avoid handling exception try: self.community_autocorrs[comm_id][idx] = auto_corr except KeyError: self.community_autocorrs[comm_id] = { idx: auto_corr } return None
[docs] def get_community_coloring(self, n=None, iterator=None, **kwargs): if n is None: n = self.comm_nbr use_dc = kwargs.get('distinct_colors', None) if use_dc is not None: # todo: make sure use_dc is an instance of DistinctColors assert n <= use_dc.n self.color_sequence = use_dc elif self.color_sequence is None: dc_params = kwargs.get( 'dc_params', dict( h_shuffle=False, s_shuffle=False, h_init=0.1, s_init=1.0, v_init=1.0, ) ) self.color_sequence = DistinctColors( n, [0, 1], [0.2, 1.0], [0.9, 1.0], **dc_params ) else: assert self.color_sequence.n >= n if iterator is None: iterator = range(self.length) self.comm_colours = self.color_sequence.get_colors() self.sp_next_colour = iter(range(len(self.comm_colours))) self.sp_community_colour_idx = {} for idx in iterator: _grouping = self.clusterings[idx] _communities = self.dcs[idx] for _i in range(len(_grouping)): if _communities[_i] in self.sp_community_colour_idx: g_color_idx = self.sp_community_colour_idx[ _communities[_i]] else: g_color_idx = next(self.sp_next_colour) self.sp_community_colour_idx[ _communities[_i]] = g_color_idx
[docs] def get_alluvialdiagram( self, axes, iterator=None, cluster_width=timedelta(days=1), *args, **kwargs ): """ Takes a matplotlib axes and draws an alluvialdiagram on it. `iterator` is the iterator s to draw the clusters for. If `iterator is not provided, then the alluvialdiagram will contain all the clustrings in the time series. Parameters ========== axes: :obj:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` Axes to draw an Alluvial diagram on. iterator: iter (default=None) An iterator for the indices of the time series to include in the alluvial diagram. If not provided then the entire time series is used. cluster_width: float with of the clusters. This should be provided in the same units as :attr:`~Majortrack.timepoints`. \*args optional parameter: Will be forwarded to the :class:`pyalluv.AlluvialPlot` call. \**kwargs optional parameter: cluster_location: str (default='center') either 'center', 'start, 'end' location withing the aggregation time window where the cluster should be put. cluster_label: str (default=None) determine how to label cluster. Possible options are: * 'groupsize' * 'group_index' * 'dc_index' merged_edgecolor: str (default=None) edgecolor of merged clusters. merged_facecolor: str (default=None) facecolor of merged clusters. merged_linewidth: float (default=None) linewidth of merged clusters. cluster_facecolor: str, dict(dict) facecolor of clusters. Either provide a single color or a `dict` with indices of the time series as keys, holding a dict with cluster_id as key and colours as values. cluster_edgecolor: str, dict(dict) edgecolor of clusters. Either provide a single color or a `dict` with indices of the time series as keys, holding a dict with cluster_id as key and colours as values. flux_facecolor: str, dict either provide a single color, a keyword or a dict. Valid keywords are: ``'cluster'``. If a dictionary is provided then the `idx` of the time series must be the keys with another dict as value holding a dict with a tuple as key and a color as value. The tuple's first element must be a group id form time step `idx` and the second a group id k form time step `idx`+1 new_coloring: bool (default=False) if a new color sequence should be generated or not. distinct_colors: :obj:`colorseq.DistinctColors` (default=None) the sequence of distinct colour to use. target_clusters: list (default=None) list of dynamic cluster id's to display in the alluvial diagram. If provided, only the dynamic clusters specified in this list will be displayed. """ assert self.clusterings is not None # from matplotlib import pyplot as plt cluster_label = kwargs.get('cluster_label', None) cluster_facecolor = kwargs.get('cluster_facecolor', None) cluster_edgecolor = kwargs.get('cluster_edgecolor', None) cluster_linewidth = kwargs.get('cluster_linewidth', None) cluster_label_margin = kwargs.get('cluster_label_margin', None) cluster_location = kwargs.get('cluster_location', 'center') flux_facecolor = kwargs.get('flux_facecolor', None) flux_edgecolor = kwargs.get('flux_edgecolor', None) flux_linewidth = kwargs.get('flux_linewidth', None) _dnec = kwargs.get('default_cluster_edgecolor', 'none') _dnfc = kwargs.get('default_cluster_facecolor', 'gray') # _dnfc = kwargs.get('default_cluster_facecolor', 'gray') # _dfec = kwargs.get('default_flux_edgecolor', 'gray') # _dffc = kwargs.get('default_flux_facecolor', 'gray') _dnlw = kwargs.get('default_cluster_linewidth', 0.0) _dflw = kwargs.get('default_flux_linewidth', 0.0) if iterator is None: _iterator = iter(range(self.length)) else: _iterator = iter(iterator) use_community_coloring = True # always generate community colors (complete missing dict keys) # if isinstance(cluster_facecolor, dict) \ # and isinstance(flux_facecolor, dict): # use_community_coloring = False # check if coloring is provided distinct_colors = kwargs.get('distinct_colors', None) if use_community_coloring and kwargs.get('new_coloring', True): if self.dcs is None: print( "WARNING: The detection of dynamic clusters has not been " "carried out yet. Plotting now will result in default " "colouring of the clusters." ) else: if iterator is not None: _all_comms = [] for idx in iter(iterator): _all_comms.extend( [com for com in set(self.dcs[idx])] ) n = len(set(_all_comms)) self.get_community_coloring( n, iterator=iter(iterator), distinct_colors=distinct_colors ) else: if self.comm_colours is None: self.get_community_coloring( distinct_colors=distinct_colors ) _clusters = dict() _fluxes = dict() _clusters_x_pos = dict() # get the colors def _c_None(idx, group_id, *args): return None def _c_comm(idx, group_id): if self.dcs is not None and idx < len(self.dcs): _c = self.dcs[idx][group_id] _c_idx = self.sp_community_colour_idx[_c] return self.comm_colours[_c_idx] else: return _dnec def _fc_individ(idx, group_id): nfc = cluster_facecolor.get(idx, {}).get(group_id, None) return nfc if nfc is not None else _c_comm(idx, group_id) def _ec_individ(idx, group_id): nec = cluster_edgecolor.get(idx, {}).get(group_id, None) return nec if nec is not None else _c_comm(idx, group_id) def get_flux_c(flux_fc, flux_ec): # for facecolor if isinstance(flux_fc, str) and any( cluster in flux_fc for cluster in ['cluster'] ): def get_flux_fc(idx, g_form, g_to): return flux_fc elif isinstance(flux_fc, dict): def get_flux_fc(idx, g_from, g_to): ffc = flux_fc.get(idx, {}).get((g_from, g_to), None) if ffc is None: ffc = flux_fc.get(idx, {}).get(g_from, None) return ffc if ffc is not None else _c_comm(idx, g_from) else: get_flux_fc = _c_None # for edgecolor if isinstance(flux_ec, str) and any( cluster in flux_ec for cluster in ['cluster'] ): def get_flux_ec(idx, g_form, g_to): return flux_ec elif isinstance(flux_ec, dict): def get_flux_ex(idx, g_from, g_to): fec = flux_ec.get(idx, {}).get((g_from, g_to), None) if fec is None: fec = flux_ec.get(idx, {}).get(g_from, None) return fec if fec is not None else _c_comm(idx, g_from) else: get_flux_ec = _c_None return get_flux_fc, get_flux_ec def _def_linewidth(*args): return _dflw if len(args) == 3 else _dnlw def _nlw_individ(idx, group_id): return cluster_linewidth.get(idx, {}).get(group_id, _dnlw) def _flw_individ(idx, g_from, g_to): flw = flux_linewidth.get(idx, {}).get((g_from, g_to), None) if flw is None: flw = flux_linewidth.get(idx, {}).get(g_from, None) return flw if flw is not None else _dflw if isinstance(cluster_facecolor, str) or cluster_facecolor is None: if cluster_facecolor is None or cluster_facecolor == 'community': _get_cluster_facecolor = _c_comm else: def _get_cluster_facecolor(idx, group_id): return _dnfc elif isinstance(cluster_facecolor, dict): _get_cluster_facecolor = _fc_individ else: _get_cluster_facecolor = _c_None if isinstance(cluster_edgecolor, str): if cluster_edgecolor == 'community': _get_cluster_edgecolor = _c_comm else: def _get_cluster_edgecolor(idx, group_id): return _dnec elif isinstance(cluster_edgecolor, dict): _get_cluster_edgecolor = _ec_individ else: _get_cluster_edgecolor = _c_None _get_flux_facecolor, _get_flux_edgecolor = get_flux_c( flux_facecolor, flux_edgecolor ) if isinstance(cluster_linewidth, dict): _get_cluster_linewidth = _nlw_individ else: _get_cluster_linewidth = _def_linewidth if isinstance(flux_linewidth, dict): _get_flux_linewidth = _flw_individ else: _get_flux_linewidth = _def_linewidth target_clusters = kwargs.get('target_clusters', False) if not target_clusters: def include_cluster(idx, group): return True else: def include_cluster(idx, group): if any( [ indiv in self.comm_members[idx][comm] for indiv in group for comm in target_clusters if comm in self.comm_members[idx] ] ): return True elif idx and any( [ indiv in self.comm_members[idx-1][comm] for indiv in group for comm in target_clusters if comm in self.comm_members[idx-1] ] ): # check if in the previous snapshot members of this group # were in the target_clusters return True else: return False merged_edgecolor = kwargs.get('merged_edgecolor', None) merged_facecolor = kwargs.get('merged_facecolor', None) merged_linewidth = kwargs.get('merged_linewidth', None) treat_mergeds = False if any([ attr is not None for attr in [ merged_edgecolor, merged_facecolor, merged_linewidth ] ]) and self.dcs is not None: treat_mergeds = True for idx in _iterator: _grouping = self.clusterings[idx] if cluster_location == 'stop': # move = self.timepoints[idx][1] - self.timepoints[idx][0] move = self.slice_widths[idx] elif cluster_location == 'start': move = 0 else: # this is 'center' # move = 0.5 * ( # self.timepoints[idx][1] - self.timepoints[idx][0] # ) move = 0.5 * self.slice_widths[idx] time_point = self.timepoints[idx] + move _clusters_x_pos[idx] = time_point tp_clusters = [] for _i in range(len(_grouping)): _group = _grouping[_i] if include_cluster(idx, _group): # is it a merged group _facecolor = _get_cluster_facecolor(idx, _i) _edgecolor = _get_cluster_edgecolor(idx, _i) _linewidth = _get_cluster_linewidth(idx, _i) if isinstance(cluster_label_margin, dict): _label_margin = cluster_label_margin[idx][_i] elif isinstance(cluster_label_margin, (tuple, list)): _label_margin = cluster_label_margin else: _label_margin = (0.4 * cluster_width, 0.1) if _edgecolor is None: _edgecolor = _facecolor if treat_mergeds: if idx < len(self.cluster_trace): if self.cluster_trace[idx][_i] < 0: if merged_linewidth is not None: _linewidth = merged_linewidth if merged_edgecolor is not None: _edgecolor = merged_edgecolor if merged_facecolor is not None: _facecolor = merged_facecolor if cluster_label == 'groupsize': c_label = '{0}'.format(len(_group)) elif cluster_label == 'group_index': c_label = '{0}'.format(_i) elif cluster_label == 'dc_index': c_label = '{0}'.format(self.dcs[idx][_i]) else: c_label = None tp_clusters.append( Cluster( height=len(_group), width=cluster_width, facecolor=_facecolor, edgecolor=_edgecolor, lw=_linewidth, label=c_label, label_margin=_label_margin ) ) else: tp_clusters.append(None) _clusters[idx] = tp_clusters # 2nd round to set the fluxes if iterator is None: _iterator = iter(range(self.length)) else: _iterator = iter(iterator) prev_idx = next(_iterator) for idx in _iterator: _grouping = self.clusterings[idx] _prev_grouping = self.clusterings[prev_idx] _x_pos_fluxes = [] for _i in range(len(_grouping)): if include_cluster(idx, _grouping[_i]): for _j in range(len(_prev_grouping)): if include_cluster(idx-1, _prev_grouping[_j]): _intersect = len( _prev_grouping[_j].intersection( _grouping[_i] ) ) _linewidth = _get_flux_linewidth(prev_idx, _j, _i) if _intersect: _facecolor = _get_flux_facecolor( prev_idx, _j, _i) _edgecolor = _get_flux_edgecolor( prev_idx, _j, _i) if _edgecolor is None: _edgecolor = _facecolor _x_pos_fluxes.append( [ Flux( flux=_intersect, source_cluster=_clusters[ prev_idx][_j], target_cluster=_clusters[ idx][_i], facecolor=_facecolor, edgecolor=_edgecolor, lw=_linewidth ) ] ) _fluxes[idx] = _x_pos_fluxes prev_idx = idx self.sp_clusters = { _clusters_x_pos[idx]: [ cluster for cluster in _clusters[idx] if cluster is not None ] for idx in _clusters } self.sp_fluxes = {_clusters_x_pos[idx]: _fluxes[idx] for idx in _fluxes} self.alluvial = AlluvialPlot(self.sp_clusters, axes, *args, **kwargs)